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Wang gets Yankees back on track
Wang gets Yankees back on trackBY JIM BAUMBACH | jim.baumbach@newsday.com
11:48 PM EDT, May 2, 2008Forget the youth movement with the Yankees' rotation. They need to find
a way to clone Chien-Ming Wang.
忘了啥[青年向上運動]吧,洋基真正該做的是,找出方法複製王建民。With their offense hitting the snooze button and the rest of theirpitching staff struggling, Wang has become just about the only sure
thing the Yankees have. Imagine for a second where they'd be without him.打線睡到底,其他先發又常爆,王已經快要變成洋基唯一可信的人了。
花一秒鐘想一下,沒了小王,洋基現在在哪?Against the Mariners on Friday night, Wang allowed only one run,three hits and two walks in six innings, helping the Yankees breaktheir three-game losing streak with a 5-1 win. Wang extended hisrecord to 6-0, leads the American League in victories and notched
his 11th straight win when starting after a Yankees loss.星期五晚上對抗水手的比賽,王投六局失一分,被打三安,兩次保送表現,幫助洋基最終以5-1取勝,並中止三連敗。王的紀錄進展至6-0,領先美聯群
倫;值得一提的是,這是王連續11次在洋基敗場之後取勝。Manager Joe Girardi knocked on his wooden desk when that streakwas mentioned to him. He said he didn't know about it, but he
clearly wasn't surprised.有人對吉拉迪提到這個紀錄,他不由得拍了下桌子。他說他不知道有這回事
,但他絕對不驚訝。"We've won 15 games, and seven of those games are his," Girardi said.
"So he's been pretty important to us."
吉拉迪表示:「我們贏了15場,有七場是他先發的,他當然重要無比啊!」Wang was the perfect pitcher to go for the Yankees on Friday night;they were in need of a strong outing almost as much as they were inneed of a victory. Wang is 22-6 when he starts after a loss, and the
Yankees are 27-7 overall in those games.王絕對是星期五比賽洋基方的完美先發;畢竟除了要求投手表現好之外,洋基還迫切需要一勝。洋基敗戰之後,王先發的紀錄是22-6,而王
面臨這種狀況的總共紀錄是27-7。The Yankees' offense, with help from the Mariners' shoddy defense,gave Wang a 3-0 lead after two innings. He did exactly whatIan Kennedy couldn't do the night before: make an early
three-run lead stand up.洋基打線靠著水手糟糕的防守幫忙,在前兩局就給了小王三分的優勢。
而小王也做到了甘迺迪總統沒做到的:他沒被刺..呃..,他保住了領先。Hideki Matsui's two-out RBI single to leftfield in the firstinning and Melky Cabrera's two-run double in the second wasall the offense Wang and the Yankees needed. Morgan Ensberg'sRBI single and Jose Molina's sacrifice fly in the eighth
provided a cushion.馬祖以一局下兩出局後的左外野打點安打,以及牛奶人二局的兩分二壘安
就是洋基和小王需要的一切了。至於八局的得分,算是特別招待吧。Kyle Farnsworth, Joba Chamberlain and Mariano Rivera each
threw a scoreless inning to complete the four-hitter.
放火,喬巴,李維拉各投了無失分的一局,比賽也中止在給對方四安的成果。Wang may not talk too much in the clubhouse, but he's easilyone of the most popular players on the team. It's almost as if
everyone gets a rise whenever he pitches.在隊裡王也許話不多,但他很容易變成最受歡迎人物。只要他主投,
"He's our guy," Rivera said.
李維拉說:「他是我們的人物。」"As soon as we put some runs up, the guys in the bullpen,we know it's going to be a short night and so you better
be ready fast," Chamberlain said.「只要我們能早早得分,牛棚的人都知道,比賽一定結束得很快,
所以最好快點準備好。」喬巴表示:"You know you're going to be active in the field," Girardi said.
"You're going to be moving around, making plays. Players like that."吉拉迪說:「所有人都知道場上會有點忙碌,會需要到處跑一跑。
球員都喜歡這樣。」That was especially true on an unseasonably cold, breezy night.There was a 16-mph wind blowing from left to right and thetemperature was in the mid-40s, so the Yankees were more than
happy to be active.尤其在這種反季節的寒冷夜晚,風在吹,溫度不過40度(華氏),
所有洋基人當然更喜歡能動一動了。The only sign of worry on this night came when Wang calledMolina to the mound in the fifth and Molina called Girardiout. Wang had a cramp at the base of his right thumb, butwithin seconds, it went away. He pitched the sixth, butGirardi then replaced him with Farns.worth. "We figured it was
best to get him out," he said.今晚唯一值得擔憂的是,第五局王招換補手到投手丘。王的右手大拇指根部似乎有點抽筋,不過很快就好了。他仍然投完了第六局,不過第七局是由
方火中繼。吉拉迪說:「我們覺得讓他先下去休息比較好。」Wang said his hand did not bother him after that lone incident
in the fifth.
王之後表示,第五局的狀況並未造成任何問題。In addition to praising Wang, the Yankees should senda thank-you card to the Mariners for helping out.Seattle made four errors in the first three innings,
and two of the Yankees' runs were a direct result of them.除了讚美王之外,洋基應該送一張好人...呃...感謝卡給水手。
洋基得到的分數,至少有兩分是水手失誤送的。Derek Jeter scored the first run on Matsui's single,but Jeter was on base only because Yuniesky Betancourt
misplayed a routine grounder to his right with one out.
馬祖以的安打讓丁特得了第一分,不過丁特能上壘,靠的是水手失誤。In the second, Ensberg reached when Adrian Beltre bootedhis grounder and would have been out on a strike-him-out,throw-him-out play if Jose Lopez hadn't dropped Jamie Burke'sthrow. After a single by Alberto Gonzalez, Cabrera hit Erik Bedard'sfirst pitch over third base and down the leftfield line for
a two-run double and a 3-0 lead.
第二局水手失誤加上牛奶人的二分二壘打,讓洋基3-0領先。They weren't the cleanest runs scored, but for a teamthat came in hitting just .241 (59-for-245) with men inscoring position, 12th in the American League,
they saw it as progress.分數來得不算乾淨俐落,不過對於得分圈有人的平均打擊率只有241的隊伍而言,至少可以拿個進步獎吧。
(得分圈有人的打擊率美聯第12,靠,美聯才幾支隊伍啊!)"That's what you have to do," Girardi said, "especially against
a guy like Bedard."

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